and make millions of dollars, so you can donate it to me at my blog.
Ever wonder where exactly Jesus stood on the hot issues of our time? Was Jesus a Republican or a Democrat? An Adam Smith-free market-economist or a Keynsian? Did he get teary-eyed while reading Marx's Communist Manifesto, or find it utterly absurd? Did he vote for McCain or Obama? That's what we're all thinking.
I imagine Jesus had opinions about the heated issues of his day. Camel-rights perhaps. Agrarian reform. Chariot Manufacturing Union Regulations...all that stuff. He seemed pretty intent on shaking up the longstanding views on things like the Sabbath and how we manage our money.
I've had many conversations about Christianity and economics and Christianity and politics lately, and thought it might be an interesting blog topic. How this relates to Christian young adults, I'm not sure, except that I think it relates to all people, in general. Specifically, it seems that the once surefire hold the Right-wing had on Christians is loosening, particularly among younger American Christians. I won't provide any factual data to back this up. I'd rather assume and generalize. Kidding, of course (neither is an appropriate way to argue a point, although this post is hardly an argument). You can check out this article from the Seattle Times on the shifting trend in voting among younger Christians. Although the article focuses specifically on the 2008 presidential election, it seems to be a broader issue in scope than one particular day in November.
Personally speaking, I prefer free markets to those controlled by the government. I find it ironic when people complain about the greed of corporations but seem so trusting of their politicians with equal or often greater amounts of power. But my question for this post is about Jesus and how a Christian examines issues political and economic. The simple truth is, we begin with a false premise if we try to apply Jesus to the systems of our world. I'm fairly certain that the God of the Bible does not need governments nor economic systems to run things. However, in our fallen state, we rely on these institutions out of necessity. Simple, but often overlooked or avoided.
A recent conversation with my parents demonstrated the difference between two generations: In spite of the fact that I am pretty much of a right-winger (at the risk of labeling myself with a term that will make some people assume things about me), I don't think it's a required ideological tenet for Christians. My parents seemed shocked when I pointed this out, and we talked for a bit longer until the conversation fizzled away (not before my dad declared me a "semi-conservative"). Is that like a semi-truck? Was my dad calling me fat or something? Good night!
At any rate, this issue seems to be raging. I will forever be fascinated by politics and economics, but will hopefully forever maintain that we do have a God who exists outside these systems, thankfully. Ultimately, there won't be any real hope in politicians. Skepticism may be taking over here, but it seems that in order to truly make it in D.C., one must appeal to too many special interests to maintain a clear sight of individual principles and goals. There are small strides, there are honest politicians (hardly any of which have a D beside their name, ahem), but this is not the silver lining, and Jesus doesn't have an R or a D... I'm convinced he was a Tory. Or perhaps a Whig. I realize I have just offended the millions of knee-jerk Tories and Whigs who read this blog (get over it).
However, Jesus does want you to work. And I suppose I need this advice more than anyone. I'm too lazy to hunt for Bible verses; besides, most of the people who read this blog are already thinking of some anyway. I hope I have offended someone. If not, I have failed as a blogger.
That's all for now, gang.
P.S. I enclose this nifty picture for the amusement of my non-republican Christian friends. I found it hilarious, and I hope you do as well.